Interested in hearing the H2020 BuildERS project’s findings and discussing over a Gotomeeting? Join us!!
Tuesday 9 June 2020 09:00 – 12:00 CET. The H2020 BuildERS (Building European Communities’ Resilience and Social Capital) project is celebrating its first year with a Gotomeeting!

The H2020 BuildERS (Building European Communities’ Resilience and Social Capital) project is celebrating its first year with a Gotomeeting!
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland runs the project together with partners from 9 countries (Belgium, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Indonesia, Italy, Norway, Sweden, USA).
BuildERS main goal is to bring local, national and international governance levels together for more effective resilience and for stronger social capital in the face of increasingly complex crises and disasters to provide policy recommendations for supporting vulnerable groups. The project studies challenges related to risk awareness and social trust; contributes to a better understanding of national institutional settings and capacities to face crises and disasters; assesses tools, processes and methods to enhance resilience, social capital and coping skills also via technological innovations.
Agenda for the meeting:
Introduction by VTT coordinator Anna-Mari Heikkila and launch of BuildERS promotion video. This webinar is moderated by prof Pekka Leviäkangas, University of Oulu, Finland
- Presentation 1 by Claudia Morsut University of Stavanger – Norway: The conceptual approach of BuildERS - synthesises the results of WP1 about the construction of BuildERS theoretical framework on how risk awareness, risk perception, social capital, vulnerability are connected to the overall work of resilience building.
- Presentation 2 by Christian Kuran University of Stavanger – Norway: Challenges in measuring vulnerability - introduces a challenge encountered during the first year of implementation of the project, namely how to measure vulnerability looking at national and cross national surveys as primary sources.
- Presentation 3 by Kati Orru University of Tartu – Estonia: Addressing individual and group vulnerabilities in crisis management - offers insights from eight countries from the BuildERS’ consortium and looks at how they deal with vulnerable groups in crisis management.
- Presentation 4 by Sten Torpan, University of Tartu - Estonia: Institutional rules, practices and experiences in handling misinformation in disaster management - presents findings on the responses to various forms of misinformation in crisis and disasters in a sample of BuildERS’ consortium countries.
- Presentation 5 by Jaana Keränen, VTT - Finland: Linkages between risk awareness, social capital and vulnerability at national level - clarifies findings of vulnerability and vulnerable groups in past crises and disasters in the Finnish context.
If you wish to watch it online, you can find the link here