Type of disaster addressed: High-risk of man-made (cyber-attack) and natural hazards destabilizing Estonian society and protection of the most vulnerable groups at different administrative scales
Type of danger addressed: Exposure of entire population to disruption of social service provision and needs for prioritization the weakest groups through more precise information on rescue needs and more effective prioritization of people’s safety, protection and care needs
Special vulnerable groups: Families with young children, lonely elderly, physically and/or cognitively impaired people, chronically ill, and the poor without means to evacuate themselves
Other groups / communities: Residents in neighbouring dwellings, industrial employees, visitors and tourists without knowledge skills
Tools or technologies used: Tools or technologies used Utilization of public data bases, statistical data collation measures, modelling of future consumption of rescue services, building of resource reserves and staff deployment roasters for different hazard categories/ stratified by vulnerable people’s spatial and temporal distribution and risk levels, upgrades of emergency and preparedness guidelines
Method of analysis: Scenario runs, modelling, statistical data aggregation measures, electronica, building of repositories workshops, action research (with researcher involvement)
Real-life condition: Global Risk Report (2016) where 750 security and defence world experts emphasized that high-risk of cyber terrorism act against Estonia might materialize in near future with damaging consequences for population and economy
Beneficiaries: The entire Estonian population and the entire EU
Innovation outcomes: 1) Empirically-validated improvements in human safety and security standards at all administrative levels, 2) lower percentage of population at risk of life loss and/or health-damage, 3) operational improvement in rescue effectiveness due to better knowledge of rescue needs 4) higher intervention robustness based on demand-driven reserve inventories and staff deployed evidenced in KPIs.